Transaction Editing

The budget lines of budget transactions and the posting lines of accounting transactions are always edited against BFY Staging. To depict how this editing occurs, the following step-by-step listing has been provided:

  1. Determine the Code Type of the non-offset posting code used for the budget line or on each posting line generated for an accounting line by looking up the posting code on the Posting Code page.

  2. Now that the Code Type (or Type of Activity) it is determined, if the Spending, Revenue, Balance Sheet Account, or Non-Accounting Profile Assignment page is to be read, the BFY and Chart of Account values on the budget line or posting line are used to determine what profile is to be used.

  3. If a profile cannot be determined, error A2077 is issued.

  4. When a profile can be determined, then the stage in that profile is determined by taking the Transaction Record Date and finding what stage it falls into on the Stages page. When no Transaction Record Date is entered on a transaction, the Application Date on the Application Control page is used because that value has been inferred to the transaction.

  5. If a stage cannot be determined, error A2078 is issued.

  6. With a profile and a stage, then the Transaction Events page is read for all posting lines or budget lines. Details on how each field on this page is read were described earlier in the Transaction Events page.

  7. If what is on the posting line or budget line is not allowed, error A2079 is issued.

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Three controls on the Transaction Control page have a direct interaction with BFY Staging. The first is the Override of BFY Staging Allowed indication. When this indication is true for a transaction code, then BFY Staging errors will be issued as overrideable instead of as reject errors. The override level will depend on the Override Level established for the error code on the Message page.

The second and third controls on the Transaction Control page are the Future Transaction Date Allowed and Past Transaction Date Allowed indications. When either of these are allowed for a transaction code, then a user can manually enter a date on the transaction code to fall within a stage that has already passed or has not arrived yet according to the Application Date.