Travel Accounting Model
Event types in this area are commonly used on special-purpose transaction codes in the Accounting Based Spending transaction type, (which show additional transaction tabs for collecting travel information) or in the Travel transaction type.
Each event type belongs to a single TRVL Event Category, which uses the Generic Event Type Processor logic.
TR10: Request Travel Advance – This Event Type is used with the Travel Advance (TRADV) transaction to request an advancement of cash before a trip starts.
Posting Pair A: A
Dr T001: Travel Advance
Cr D001: Disbursements Payable (L)
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is not likely in any form but a memo reference to a TRAUTH transaction.
Subsequent Event Types: Depending on the Disbursement Option on SOPT and whether or not a manual or automatic disbursement will be done, the event types that will reference and liquidate TR10 are: Pay Travel Advance (TR12-14). The AP Event Type Crosswalk (APEVXW) and MD Default Event Type (MDDFEV) will ensure the correct event type is placed on the disbursement according to SOPT and other disbursement parameters.
TR11: Record PCard Travel Expense – This Event Type is used with the Travel Expense Report (TRER) transaction to record a non-accounting event for travel expenses paid with a PCard. Expenses are included in the TRER for informational/reconciliation purposes and will be expensed at the time of PCard payment generation. [Note: for downstream referencing on the PRC/PRCC transactions generated by PCard batch process, any reference to the TRER would be memo only. The PRC/PRCC will not liquidate the TRER.].
Posting Pair A: A
Dr None
Cr None
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is optional and can be to a number of different non-commodity transactions recording an encumbrance (TRAUTH, TE, or GAE with PR05).
Subsequent Event Types: There are no subsequent event types.
TR15: Liquidate Travel Advance – This Event Type is used with the Travel Expense Report (TRER) transaction to record the amount of the advance that is being applied to a trip.
Posting Pair A: A
Dr D014: External Cash Expenditure / Expense
Cr T001: Travel Advance
Prior Event Types: A memo reference is required to a Travel Authorization (TRAUTH).
Subsequent Event Types: There are no subsequent event types.
TR16: Pay Advance/Expense via HRM – This Event Type is used with the Travel Advance (TRADV), Travel Expense Report (TRER), and Travel Advance Repayment (TRADVR) as a non-accounting event for payment of, application of, or repayment of a travel advance that is paid via Advantage HRM. No accounting is done with this event type as it is used to set up later accounting by various Payroll (PYLR) transactions.
Posting Pair A: A
Dr (blank)
Cr (blank)
Prior Event Types: Referenced accounting activity for this event type is possible, but there is never any accounting impact as transactions from HRM will make those accounting updates. There are impacts to various pieces of Travel Information with each reference. The TRADV will reference a TRAUTH when requesting an advance. The TRER can reference a TRAUTH. The TRADVR will reference a TRADV to establish one or more repayments of an unused advance.
Subsequent Event Types: There are a number of subsequent event types used by various PYRL transactions: Payroll Expenditure (PREXP), Payroll Liability (PRLIA), and Payroll Net Pay (PRLNP