CGI Advantage Financial Reports

Beyond the reports generated in the table of Report Jobs above, the standard listing of generated transactions that did not submit successfully, and those generated in a report mode to list records matching selection criteria, the following reports are generated. To learn more about the job that generates a specific report, refer to the CGI Advantage - Fixed Assets Run Sheets guide.

Report Name


Depreciation Report

This report is generated by the Mass Depreciation process to list assets that could not have depreciation calculated or recorded.

Fixed Assets to be Disposed Report

The Fixed Asset Disposition process will produce a report when run in Report Mode only.  It will list the assets on the Fixed Asset Disposal Entry page to be deleted with the next Update Mode of the Fixed Asset Disposal system process.

Fund/Sub Fund Edits Exception

Depreciation Edits Exception

Listings of the assets that could not be transferred with the Fixed Asset Transfer transaction and will require a manual Fixed Asset Internal transaction or Fixed Asset Internal Sale transaction.