Change Selling Price & Other Details
When a Fixed Asset Disposal has processed but information on the selling price or other disposal details were wrong or have since changed, the original disposal transaction cannot be modified. A Fixed Asset Price Change (FP) must be processed to make the updates. In the event it was an internal sale and the selling price has changed, a journal voucher will need to be processed to adjust the accounting for the buyer from the Fixed Asset Acquisition transaction.
Create an instance of the Fixed Asset Price Change transaction.
On the Header:
Enter or select the Fixed Asset Number and take the Auto Apply action.
If a composite asset enter Selling Price and other disposal details in a ‘new’ field.
On the Component tab, if the asset is not a composite asset:
Enter Selling Price and other disposal details in a ‘new’ field.
Validate the transaction.
If errors exit, fix the errors and repeat step 4. If no errors exist, then continue with Step 6.
Submit the transaction.