Depreciation Elements Change

The Depreciation Elements Change (DEPEC) stores the old and new values for fields that impact depreciation, along with status indicators. The depreciation logic both inside the Fixed Asset Transaction Type and the Mass Depreciation system process read this information before calculating the depreciation. Fixed Asset transactions with performing betterments, increasing or decreasing asset value, or modifying depreciation criteria will insert records. Transactions recording depreciation, transfers, or disposals will update records. The Mass Depreciation process will also update the records used in the calculation of depreciation.

Field InformationField Information

Details on the depreciation criteria fields can be found in the "Component" topic under FA Transaction Type. Only those fields unique to the page that do not exist on the transaction are covered here alphabetically.

Field Name


Change Code

Change Department

Change ID

Each record contains these three pieces of identification, recording the transaction that created the record to change depreciation criteria.


Depreciation Code

Depreciation Department

Depreciation ID

Each record contains these three pieces of identification, recording the transaction that processed the record when recording depreciation.

Effective Date

When a record is inserted by a transaction, the Record Date of that transaction is recorded as the Effective Date.

Last Action Date

When a record processed by the application the Server Date at the time of processing is recorded as the Last Action Date.

Process Date

When a record is processed by the Mass Depreciation system process, the Application Date at the time of processing is recorded as the Process Date. If processed by a Fixed Asset transaction, the Record Date of that transaction is recorded as the Process Date.