Fixed Asset Balance Summary

The Fixed Asset Balance Summary (FABALSQ) displays Fixed Asset balances at the Fixed Asset Number level. The Fixed Asset Accounting Ledger records are summarized by Fiscal Year into several amounts based on the Posting Code, Event Category and whether or not the Fiscal Year of the ledger record is prior to the displayed record.

At least two of the following search criteria must be provided when searching for records on this page:

  • Fiscal Year

  • Fixed Asset Number

  • Fund

  • Department

  • Fixed Asset Type

  • BSA

The page does not allow the use of wildcard values, special characters (>, <, and so forth.) or multiple values separated by a comma (,) in any of the search fields.

Row-level actions/linksRow-level actions/links

Field InformationField Information

The selection criteria for each amount is based on posting code and event category combinations in the Fixed Asset Balance Summarization Code Crosswalk, discussed under Advanced – Setup. Each amount has a three or four-character code in the definition below that ties to the crosswalk table.



Opening Asset Balance

The Opening Asset Balance provides a value as of the beginning of the selected Fiscal Year and possibly Accounting Period. (OPBL)

Opening Accumulated Depreciation

The Opening Accumulated Depreciation provides the amount of depreciation as of the beginning of the selected Fiscal Year and possibly Accounting Period. (OPDP)


The Additions amount provides any additions to the asset in the selected Fiscal Year and possibly Accounting Period from the addition of a new component or acquisition. (CYAD)


The Modifications amount provides any increases or decreases in value to an asset in the selected Fiscal Year and possibly Accounting Period from an increase/decrease adjustment, disposal, or internal sale. (CYMD)


The Depreciation During Year amount provides any update to depreciation in the current Fiscal Year and possibly Accounting Period. (CYDP)

Closing Asset Balance

The Closing Asset Balance represents the Opening Asset Balance plus Additions plus Modifications to represent the balance of an asset at the end of the selected Fiscal Year and possibly Accounting Period. (CLBL)

Closing Accumulated Depreciation

The Closing Accumulated Depreciation amount represents the Opening Accumulated Depreciation plus any Depreciation to represent the new Accumulated Depreciation as of the selected Fiscal Year and possibly Accounting Period. (CLDP)

Net Book Value

The Net Book Value amount represents the Closing Asset Balance minus the Closing Accumulated Depreciation as of the selected Fiscal year and possibly Accounting Period. (NBV)