Adjusting a Journal Entry

To create a Journal Voucher transaction for an adjusting journal entry, perform these steps:

  1. Create an instance of the desired Journal Voucher Transaction Code.

  2. Skip the Header and Line Group tabs and navigate to the Accounting tab.

Header information defaults normally to the current values in almost every case with the exception of a future or past date fields, if allowed. Line Group in formation is also generally optional unless an Event Type is required or Vendor/Customer information is necessary for the adjustment.

  1. Complete the Accounting tab. (Sample is to clear a portion of a pre-paid expense. Other types of adjustments will involve different posting codes and chart of accounts.)

  1. Insert an Accounting Line and enter the following:

  • Posting Code: A023

  • Debit Amount: Amount to be reduced.

  • Fund: The fund used at time of purchase.

  • BSA: The Expenditure Offset account used at the time of purchase.

  1. Copy and paste the 1st Accounting Line to create a 2nd and  change the following:

  • Posting Code: Change to A204

  • Debt Amount: cut and paste to Credit Amount

  • BSA: Change to the Pre Paid Expense account used at the time of purchase

Note: No other fields are mandatory but system configuration may make them conditionally required.

  1. Validate the transaction.

  2. If errors exist, fix the errors and repeat Step 4. If no errors exist, then continue with Step 6.

  3. Submit the transaction.