Automated Accrual Clearing Process

Disbursements, automatic or manual, and two-party accounting transactions contain Service From and Service To dates for users to enter a period of time where goods or services were received. For those transactions that are manually entered, Service Date entry is strictly a user responsibility with only a Transaction Control, called Service Date Severity, for requiring data entry verses defaulting to the Record Date of the transaction. For automatic disbursements, the service dates are bought forward from the referenced transaction.

Accurate cash expenditure recording can be done on MD, IET, PRCI, and ITA transactions with users entering the portion attributable to the prior year on an accounting line with that prior fiscal year and an accounting period, while entering the portion attributable to the current year on a second accounting with the current fiscal year and accounting period. Such data entry is only feasible when there are one or two accounting lines to split. Transactions such as the AD and PRMI do not have this manual option because both are created by the application and are not editable. Use of service dates and the Automated Accrual Clearing batch process is an approach that requires less work of the user. For the AD and PRMI, use of the Automated Accrual process is the only option.

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