Batch Jobs

The jobs are listed alphabetically in the below table and the last column indicates the location in the Batch Catalog. For detailed information on the jobs (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters) refer to the associated run sheet in the following user guides: CGI Advantage - General Accounting Run Sheets, CGI Advantage - Utilities Run Sheets, CGI Advantage - Accounts Payable Run Sheets, CGI Advantage - System Assurance Run Sheets, and CGI Advantage - Administration Utilities Run Sheets. (Note: The Posting run sheets are located in the CGI Advantage - General Accounting Run Sheets guide.)

Job Name


Batch Catalog Section

Annual Financial Reporting Data Load

This job summarizes the source data based on the rules established into the ACFR Summary Ledger and the Crosswalk Ledger for selection by reports.

General Accounting

Open Activity Roll Update

The Open Activity Roll Update job is not submitted manually but spawned by the Open Activity Roll and Open Activity & Budget Roll chain jobs to load transaction modifications.

General Accounting

Open Activity Options By Department

When a year comes to a close, there are many transactions open with accounting activity that has not yet reached its final state (open purchase orders for example).

This batch job will take setup on the Open Activity Options by Department (OAOD) page and update the Roll/Lapse Detail Pre-Selection page accordingly.

General Accounting

Treasury Cash Balance

This job loads cash data along with cleared check and EFT status updates to the Treasury Cash Balance Inquiry to add both cash availability analysis as well as bank reconciliation.

General Accounting