CGI Advantage Financial Reports

The major reports generated from CGI Advantage are listed alphabetically in the below table. To learn more about the job that generates a specific report, click on the job name in the Description column.

Report Name


Automated Accrual / Clearing Mismatch Report

This report is generated by the Automated Accrual/Clearing Mismatch Report job.

Open Activity Lapse Process Report

This report is generated by the Open Activity Lapse Process - Report Only Mode report job.

Open Activity Roll Process Report

This report is generated by the Open Activity Roll Process - Report Only Mode report job.

Open Items Report

The Open Items Report lists open items for requisitions, purchase orders, receivables, and payment requests as of a specific accounting period. This report is generated by the Open Items report job.

Revenue and Expense by Fund Report

This report is generated by the Revenue and Expense by Fund job.

Trial Balance Report

This report is generated by the Trial Balance job.

Trial Balance with Prior Period Balances

This report is generated by the Trial Balance with Prior Period Balances job.