Escrow History
The Escrow History (ESCHIST) page displays all the transactions processed with a given Escrow ID. The history page pulls together all transactions that have processed with a given Escrow ID. When a modification changes or removes an Escrow ID from a transaction, the previous record for that transaction is deleted from the former Escrow ID history. Each transaction listed has a common transaction hyperlink that, when clicked, opens the current final version of the transaction.
The page requires a minimum of information be entered for a browse: The Escrow ID browse field must be entered without a wildcard or comma-delimited values. If not, an error is issued. There are no restrictions for the Transaction Code, Department, and Transaction ID fields or the Created/Updated field.
When you click the Download link, all records for the Escrow ID that were returned from the browse are downloaded to an Excel Spreadsheet. There is not table of fields on ESCHIST as fields are either common or defined on the Escrow Definition page.