Open Activity Options by Department

The Open Activity Options by Department (OAOD) page is used to update the Line Actions field on Roll/Lapse Detail Pre-Selection (RLPSD) for specific departments and transaction codes. OAOD settings allow for an inclusive run of the Open Activity Lapse, Open Activity Roll, or Open Activity and Budget Roll system processes because individual department differences can be applied after open activity is selected. Multiple runs of those system processes with various department and transaction code selection criteria can then be avoided.

A system process, called Open Activity Options by Department, will select one or more OAOD records and then update Roll/Lapse Summary Pre-Selection data with the desired action. Department users can then update Roll/Lapse Summary Pre-Selection data for any exceptions before rolling or lapsing.

Settings on the OAOD page are used by the Open Activity Options by Department batch process in order to adjust unprocessed records on the RLPSD page. The majority of those settings are common fields with the following exception:

Field Name


Field Description

Default Action


The desired setting for the combination of Budget Fiscal Year, Department and Transaction Code for matching Roll/Lapse Summary Pre-Selection records. Values are:

  • No Action – This action will cause the roll or lapse system process to skip the pre-selected record.

  • Roll – This action will set the pre-selected record for selection during the next roll process if the transaction is not closed by another means before the roll.

  • Lapse – This action will set the pre-selected record for selection during the next lapse process if the transaction is not closed by another means before the lapse.

  • Accrue –This is not likely an action used on OAOD because it is commonly an exception action for an encumbrance that has been invoiced or received but cannot yet be paid so it should be accrued in the prior Budget and Fiscal Years.