Posting Line Inquiry
Posting Line Inquiry (PLINQ) provides ability to view all posting lines for a transaction version, instead of looking at the posting lines for a single accounting line within a transaction. The page has search criteria like search criteria used in other pages which would allow/restrict wild cards and construct query accordingly. Fields for Transaction Code, Department and ID are required to limit the amount of data returned, but they do allow wildcards. The PLINQ Maximum Record Count (PLINQ_MAX_REC_COUNT) Application Parameter defines the maximum number of rows returned. When exceeded, system feedback will prompt additional criteria.
There is a Spreadsheet choice of download that is available from the Export All grid menu that allows for a formatted alternative for downloading along with the common ability to export to CSV. Please note that all fields may not be displayed on this inquiry page. These fields are either marked as secondary, hidden or tertiary on Configure Page (DESIGNER).