Footer Navigation

The Footer of the Advantage application includes the following links:

  • About - This link opens a pop-up window that provides the release number for Advantage along with copyright information.

  • Privacy - This link opens a pop-up window that includes any privacy information for the application.

  • Important Links - This link opens a window that includes links to other pages outside of the Advantage application.

  • Accessibility - This links opens the current application's online help to the "Accessibility" topic file.

The Footer also displays the CGI Advantage logo, © CGI Inc., and environment details. The information shown for About, Privacy, Important Links, and environment details can be configured on the corresponding Configurable Text (CTEXT) records (ABOUT, PRIVACY, IMPLINKS, and ENVDTL).


  • The space for displaying the environment details directly in the footer is limited. If you configure the ENVDTL record, limit the contents to display.

  • If the Configurable Text is blank for the ENVDTL record, the system displays build information. If you set the Configurable Text for the ENVDTL record, the system uses it to show the environment details for all applications in the same unified environment.

  • The system retrieves the configurable text information periodically to display in the Footer. When you update the CTEXT records, the changes may not reflect in the Footer immediately. Please log off, wait for a few minutes, and navigate to the log on page again before verifying that the Footer reflects the updated information.