Recent 10 Transactions
The Recent 10 Transactions widget lists the last 10 transactions acted upon by the logged in user. If you are the creator, the transaction will stay in your listing until acting upon the 11th transaction. If you approved, rejected, modified, cancelled, etc. the transaction, then the transaction will remain in your listing until either you act on the 11th transaction or another user acts upon the transaction, whichever comes first. You can transition directly to a transaction by selecting the link in the Transaction ID column.
The LAST_10_TRANS_WID_MAX_DAYS parameter on the Application Parameter (APPCTRL) page indicates the maximum days that the system will retrieve previously visited transactions for the Recent 10 Transactions widget. Valid values are 1 to 365 and the default value is 14. If a value is entered in this field that is greater than 365, then the system will limit the search to 365 days. Changes to this parameter require all VLSs to be bounced for the changes to take effect. Warning: Increasing the value in this parameter has a direct impact on performance of the loading of this widget and should be updated after careful consideration of localized impact.