CGI Advantage displays the following different types of application pages:
Transaction – Used to record financial events (for example, a Journal Voucher) and administrative events into the system. Transactions collect information into a single input form, designed to ease data entry, as well as to consolidate pertinent information for approval and query purposes. Refer to the CGI Advantage Transactions User Guide for more information about transactions.
Inquiries – Used to display summary and detailed information from system-maintained tables. These pages are for viewing and generally cannot be used to modify data (for example, Receivable by Status inquiry). Please refer to the CGI Advantage Page/Table User Guide for more information.
Activity Folders - Used to access various pages associated with similar activities. It is analogous to an actual folder in which many different pages are kept - sparing you from keeping track of numerous individual pages. Please refer to the CGI Advantage Page/Table User Guide for more information.
Reference Tables – User-maintained tables that can be updated by users who have appropriate security authorization, and system-maintained tables that are updated by the system through document updates or offline processes. Please refer to the CGI Advantage Page/Table User Guide for more information.
Understanding the above distinctions is important because it makes it easier for you to search for a particular type of page. The Getting Started User Guide provides information on the features of CGI Advantage that are not specific to transactions, activity folders, tables, or inquiries.