Common Terminology
This topic contains an alphabetical list of terms that are common in the Grantor area, and a definition for each one.
A | B | C | D | E |
F | G | H | I
| J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R
| S | T | U |
V | W | X | Y | Z
A Grantee is a recipient of a grant originating from you. The Grantee can be a non-profit agency, another municipality, another department, an individual, a business, and so forth.
The Grantor is the entity that awards a grant.
Some grants may fund only part of the actual work, with the expectation that the grantee provides some funding as well. Match can be provided with grantee funds (cash match) or through the use of equipment, volunteer time, and other efforts (in-kind match).
A Sub Grantee is a recipient of a grant originating from another entity but passing through you. The original Grantor could be a federal agency, state agency, county, private company, and so forth. The Sub Grantee can be a non-profit agency, another municipality, another department, an individual, a business, and so forth.