Purchase Order (PO) Transaction Type

The Purchase Order Transaction Type is one that is in the Procurement area, but there is a Grantor use outside of that area because of the features available on the Purchase Order transaction. Grantor has a specialized Grant Given (GG) transaction code in this Transaction Type.

The Grant Given (GG) transaction serves to record the award of a grant to a grantee or sub grantee along with defining each of the grant award lines (for example, grant component lines). The Grant Given transaction can be generated in a number of ways: generated from a Grant Application Evaluation (GEV) transaction, copied from a similar Grant Given (GG) transaction, copied from a grant transaction template, or directly entered.

The Grant Given (GG) transaction contains the following tabs:


Award Details

Vendor Line

Grant Component Lines

Accounting Lines

For more information, refer to the Procurement User Guide as the two transactions appear the same.

PO Delivered Transaction Codes