Budget Structure to Budget Transaction
The Budget Structure to Budget Transaction (BSBD) table allows you to specify what budget transaction codes correspond to a particular budget structure ID. Currently this table is used by the Cost Accounting Setup (CAS) transaction and Cost Accounting Modification (CAM) transaction to determine which budget transaction code to use when generating a Cost Accounting Budget transaction. Other processes (that is, interfaces/conversions) can use this table to determine a cross-walk between the budget structures and transaction codes.
This page is delivered with the baseline cost accounting budget structures that can be updated by the Cost Accounting transactions. Consideration of this list should be given for which of these structures is being used and if there are any cloned transaction codes for specific uses. If not being used, the structure should be inactivated on Budget Structure Update so it does not appear in the listing. Any cloned transactions should be added to the page so that they appear in the listing.
If the CAS & CAM Default Transaction Code field is Yes it indicates that this Transaction Code will be the default value for the Budget DOC Code field in the CAM and CAS transactions.