Grant Lifecycle Management Summary
The Grant Lifecycle Management Summary inquiry displays the summary of grant information for the entire grant lifecycle. It allows the system to display high-level information regarding a particular Grant Opportunity all the way to Close-out/Audit. It displays one record per Opportunity ID and Grant ID combination. You can search by Grant Opportunity ID, Grant ID, Grant ID Name, and Opportunity Status.
The following tabs can be viewed when GRNTSUM is accessed.
Opportunity InformationOpportunity Information
Displayed fields are inferred from the Grant Opportunity Status Folder (GTOPSF).
Notification/Response InformationNotification/Response Information
The Total Number of Notifications, Apply, Not Apply, No Response, and N/A fields displayed in Notification/Response Information tab are inferred from Grant Response Status Folder (GTRESF).
The Latest Notification Sent field in the Notification/Response Information tab displays the date of latest notification sent for a particular opportunity.
Application InformationApplication Information
The fields displayed in Application Information tab are inferred from Grant Application Status Folder (GTAPSF)
Award InformationAward Information
The fields displayed in Award Information tab are inferred from the Grant Award Status Folder (GTAWSF).
Amendment InformationAmendment Information
The fields displayed in Amendment Information tab are inferred from Grant Amendment Status Folder (GTAMSF). Amendment Number, Amendment Status, and Amendment Approved/Denied fields display the values of the most recent amendment record for the particular Grant ID.
The Amendment Amount is the Total Amended Amount value in the most recent amendment record for the particular Grant ID.
Close-Out/Audit InformationClose-Out/Audit Information
The Grant Closed field is set based on the Close Grant field in the Close-out/Audit Status Folder (GTCOSF). If the Close Grant field is checked, then the Grant Closed field is also Yes; otherwise, the value is No.