Grant Amendment
The Grant Amendment tab of the Grant Amendment Status Folder (GTAMSF) provides information on the Grant Amendment.
Amount CalculationsAmount Calculations
The system calculates a Total Amended Amount by adding the Awarded Amount to the current Amendment Amount plus any Prior Amendment records. The Prior Amendment field is the sum total of all previous Amendment Amounts (Amendment Amounts that were recorded before the current record), for that particular Grant ID, in the Grant Amendment Status Folder. The total of all Amended Amounts within the particular Grant ID in the Funding Allocation tab should equal the Total Amended Amount field upon validating or submitting the transaction, otherwise a warning will display.
Required/Conditionally Required FieldsRequired/Conditionally Required Fields
The following field is required:
Grant ID
At least one of the Amendment Type options need to be selected to successfully save an Amendment record.
*Note: You can create an Amendment with one or more Amendment Type options selected.
When the Dollar Value option is selected, then you have to enter a value in the Amendment Amount field.
When the End Date option is selected, then you have to enter a value in the Revised Funding Period From and Revised Funding Period To fields.
When the Scope Change, Termination, Return of Funding or Other option is selected, then you have to enter a value in the Comments field.