Grant Award
The Grant Award tab on the Grant Award and Grant Award Revision transactions captures the Grant Award information. Grant Award Revision transactions must use an existing Grant Opportunity ID and Grant ID value, a new value cannot be created and an existing value cannot be changed or deleted.
Required/Conditionally Required FieldsRequired/Conditionally Required Fields
The following fields are required:
Grant ID
Awarded Amount - This value cannot be changed on the Award Status Folder or the Award transaction after any Amendment has been posted. At that point it must be revised in the Grant Amendment.
Award Notification Date
Funding Instrument Type
The following field is required, if Funding Agency information is entered:
Funding Agency
The Grant Award tab contains the following actions/links:
Tab-level actions/linksTab-level actions/links
Load Date Definition Template - This action loads the dates associated with the template to the Award Dates tab.