Grant Close-Out / Audit

The Grant Close-Out / Audit tab of the Grant Close-Out/Audit and Grant Close-Out/Audit Revision transactions allows the grant manager to capture the grant information and trigger the closing of the Grant.

The Close Grant check box, when checked, marks the associated Cost Accounting Chart of Accounts (COA) code(s) as Inactive by setting the Active check box to unchecked. In turn, the system uses the Grant ID of the Grant Close-Out/Audit record to locate the associated Funding Profile (via the Funding Line), Program Code(s), or Major Program Code(s) in that order and mark them as Inactive. Closing the grant updates the Opportunity Status to Closed for the particular Grant Opportunity ID on the Grant Opportunity Status Folder. Unselecting the Close Grant check box reverses the process noted above and updates the status to In-progress. There can only be one Grant ID record per Grant Close-Out/Audit transaction.

Total Amended AmountTotal Amended Amount

The Total Amended Amount displays the sum of the Awarded Amount + Prior Amendment + Amendment Amount.

Required/Conditionally Required FieldsRequired/Conditionally Required Fields

The following field is required:

  • Grant ID

This tab contains the following actions/links:

Tab-level actions/linksTab-level actions/links