Grant Date Definition Template Detail
The Grant Date Definition Template Detail (GRNTDET) table allows a Grant Manager to associate the Grant Date Codes set up on the Grant Date Definition table with a Template ID (for a particular Department and Grant Status) set up on the Grant Date Definition Template table. One Template ID can be associated with one or more Grant Date Codes. One Grant Date Code can be associated with one or more Template IDs. However, the combination of Template ID and Grant Date Code must be unique.
The Grant Date Definition Template Detail table relates grant dates to a specific template so that multiple dates can default/infer onto a “Status” upon creation. Grant Managers can pick from this table to the Grant Date Definition to infer the date information (for example, Allow Approver, Allow Comments, and so forth). Grant Managers can then update the date information directly on this table to be more specific for that particular template record (that is, specific to their department).
Based on the Template ID selected the Department Code, Department Name and Grant Status is inferred. Based on the Grant Date Code selected, the Date Description is inferred.
The Grant Manager must specify a Sorting Priority for each record on the table. The Sorting Priority allows you to specify the order that the “Status” date records will be sorted for the particular Template ID and Status when loaded to a “Status” page.