Grant Message

The Grant Message (GRNTMSG) table allows you to capture all information for the standard messages that should be sent to potential grant applicants. The Grant Message ID, Message Description, and Subject are required fields. If the Subject field is left blank, then the value entered for the DFLT_GRNT_MSG_SUBJECT parameter on the Application Parameter (APPCTRL) table is inferred.

You can enter any value within the Status Dates that should be integrated with a particular message. The Generate Alerts batch process will replace the following codes (Grant Messages replaceable parameters) with the actual values within a particular date record. The codes are as follows:


  • %DUE_DATE%



  • %GRANT_ID%




  • %DEPT%

An example of a message in the Grant Message table is as follows:


On the e-mail, the message would look as follows:

The Homeland of Security Grant has a Pre-Application Due Date due on 10/01/07.

The Generate Alerts process will determine the appropriate message to send to grant users based upon the Message ID associated with the Status Date record. In turn, the system will retrieve the message information (based upon the Message ID) and include the information on the alert.

Please note that the Opportunity Notification process will not replace the codes with the actual values if the actual values are not present in the Grant Opportunity. For example, there is no Grant ID at the Grant Opportunity stage. Therefore, a Grant Message that includes the %GRANT_ID% code should not be used.

For additional information on the Generate Alerts job, refer to the "Batch Jobs" topic in this user guide.