Grant Notification

The Grant Notification tab of the Grant Opportunity / Grant Opportunity Revision transactions can be populated manually or Grant Users can be added to it by the Load Alert User Group Template action on the Alert User Group tab.

  • Existing Grant User’s Name and Email information can be modified directly on this page but these changes are not replicated to the Grant User (GRNTUSER) table.

  • You can delete users from the grid if the user has not already entered a response on the Grant Response Status Folder (GTRESF). The Grant user is not deleted from the Grant User Group Template (GRNTTMPL) table.

  • You can manually add new users to the grid; however, the new user is not added to the Grant User Group Template (GRNTTMPL) table.

This section does not contain any required fields; however, an error is received on Validate or Submit if there is a record on the Alert User Group tab, but the Grant Notification tab does not have at least one Grant User record associated with the selected Alert User Group ID. You can either select a user from the Grant User pick list, or you can manually enter the information (for example, Name, Department, Unit, and Email) without populating the Grant User field. If a user is selected from the Grant User pick list, then the Name, Department, Unit and Email are inferred from the Grant User (GRNTUSER) table.

Response Due Date CalculationResponse Due Date Calculation

The system automatically populates the Response Due Date field on the Grant Notification Status Folder (GTNTSF) based on the following calculation:

  • Response Due Date = Application Control Date + Grant Response Days (specified on the System Options (SOPT) table)

  • You can change the Response Due Date after it is populated by the system.

  • If no value is entered for the Grant Response Days field on the System Options (SOPT) table, then Response Due Date becomes a required field.

Notification MessageNotification Message

You can select the message you want sent to the user from the Grant Message ID pick list field.  If this field is left blank a default message is sent. You should select the Notify? field for all users that you want to receive a notification about the Grant Opportunity. When a new Alert User Group Template is loaded, all Notify? fields are set to Yes. If you click the Unselect All to Notify tab-level action, then all Notify? fields are set to No. If you click the Select All to Notify tab-level action, all Notify? fields are set to Yes. The Notification batch process will be triggered once the transaction is submitted to Final.

The system only notifies the Grant Users that have the Notify? field set to Yes. The potential Grant Applicants that are notified receive an email notification with a link to access the Grant Opportunity directly within the system and a .PDF file attachment of the Grant Opportunity. On completion of the Notify Grant Opportunity batch process, an Alert is sent to the person who triggered the notification and the current Application Date is populated in the Notification Sent field for each successfully notified potential applicant.