Grant Opportunity
The Grant Opportunity tab of the Grant Opportunity / Grant Opportunity Revision transactions provides detailed information on the opportunity. Information regarding the agency that is providing the funding for the Grant Opportunity and other dates and requirements regarding the Grant Opportunity are also tracked via this tab. You will receive an error upon validating or submitting the transaction if the transaction’s Function is Cancellation and there is an Opportunity ID associated with a Grant Application or Grant Award Status Folder record.
Required/Conditionally Required FieldsRequired/Conditionally Required Fields
The following fields are required:
Grant Opportunity ID
Grant Program Name
Total Available Funding
Maximum Grant Award
Minimum Grant Award
Funding Agency
Grant Type
Funding Type
Resolution Required
Pre-Application Required
Funding Instrument Type 1
The Funding Agency field is conditionally required based on the setting of the GTOP_FUND_AGY_CTL parameter on the Application Parameter (APPCTRL) table and the value in the Grants Opportunity Source Detail field.