Grant Opportunity
The Grant Opportunity tab on the Grant Opportunity Status Folder (GTOPSF)
captures information regarding the Grant Opportunity. Grant Opportunity
Revision transactions must use an existing Grant
Opportunity ID value, a new value cannot be created and an existing
value cannot be changed or deleted.
Required FieldsRequired/Conditionally
Required Fields
The following fields are required:
Agency field is conditionally required based
on the setting of the GTOP_FUND_AGY_CTL
parameter on the Application Parameter (APPCTRL) table and the value
in the Grants
Opportunity Source Detail field.
Note: If
this is an ARRA award opportunity, it is recommended that a recognizable
value be entered in the Grant
Category field. Some ARRA awards have additional
application information or faster timelines. Communicating this information
to award applicants is important.