Information Needs
The Grant Lifecycle Management subsystem is designed to track details associated with the many stages of the grant lifecycle. There are some pieces of data, called Information Needs, which provide more details about a particular status. In some instances the same set of Information Needs for a particular grant is shared across multiple statuses (for example, Grant Legislative Bodies). The Information Needs data recorded throughout the various stages of the Grant Lifecycle Management subsystem are:
Partnering Organization – Partnering Organization records track applications that are submitted with other community-based organizations or when any collaboration needs to take place between two or more entities. This information is solely associated with an application record.
Legislative Body – Legislative Body records track applications that are submitted on behalf of the various governmental branches/jurisdictions. A particular legislative body record associated with an application is also shared with an award and amendment record because this information does not change throughout the grant lifecycle.
Funding Allocations – Funding Allocation records track the requested, awarded and amended amounts associated with a specific governmental branches/jurisdictions or Grant Service Planning Area (SPA). A particular funding allocation record associated with an application is also shared with an award and amendment record because the key information (for example, SPA) does not change throughout the grant lifecycle whereas a user can solely input the value associated with that status. For example, a user can only update the awarded amount when accessing a Funding Allocation record from the Award Status Folder.
Program Management – Facilitates the establishment of high level Cost Accounting COA structure data and matching percentages within an award of the Grants Tracking subsystem. A Project Manager can then trigger a draft Cost Accounting Setup (CAS) transaction which is used to establish the COA data in the Cost Accounting subsystem.
Reporting Schedules - Reminds the Project Manager of when information should be reported internally or back to the grantor. The same set of reporting schedules are shared between the award and amendment records.