Ongoing Award

The Ongoing Award tab of the ARRAD transaction is used to record the details of the award (grant) and the grant recipient. Only one line is allowed on this tab of the ARRAD transaction.

Required/Conditionally Required FieldsRequired/Conditionally Required Fields

The following fields are required:

  • Funding Agency

  • Award Number

  • Awarding Agency

The following fields are conditionally required if the Load Existing Ongoing Award for New Quarter action will be selected to populate the Quarterly Award tab.

  • Target Reporting Period End Date

  • Target Reporting Calendar Year

The Record Type should be set to New, if the record being added does not exist on the Ongoing Award Information table. The Record Type should be set to Existing, if the record being added already exists on the Ongoing Award Information table. If the Record Type is left blank, Advantage will default the value to Existing.

If adding a new record to the Ongoing Award Information table, the following field is required:

  • Recipient DUNS Number

  • Award Type

This tab allows you to secure the ARRAD transaction by Department and Unit. If Unit is populated, then the Department field must be populated too.

This tab contains the following actions/links:

Tab-level actions/linksTab-level actions/links

  • Any values already in the transaction record are overwritten.

  • Upon selection of the Load Existing Ongoing Award action, if the Record Type is blank, the transaction defaults the Record Type to Existing.

  • An error is received if the record cannot be located.