Program Management

The Program Management tab on the Grant Award and Grant Award Revision transactions facilitates the establishment of high level Cost Accounting COA structure data and matching percentages within an award of the Grant Lifecycle Management subsystem. A Project Manager can then trigger a draft Cost Accounting Setup (CAS) transaction which is used to establish the COA data in the Cost Accounting subsystem.

Major Program DetailsMajor Program Details

This section allows you to associate basic Cost Accounting elements (for example, Major Program) with the Grant Award. If the Perform Cost Accounting Updates field is Yes, then upon the transaction being submitted to a Phase of Final, a Cost Accounting Setup (CAS) transaction, with a Phase of Draft, will be created automatically. You may also select existing Major Programs which infers the Major Program Name, Major Program Description, and Split Type from the Major Program table. This information will be populated on the Major Program and PPC tabs of the CAS transaction upon creation. The system will infer the Grant ID to the appropriate tab (Major Program, Program, Program Period, or Funding Line) on the generated CAS transaction based on the value selected for the Grant Tracked As A field in the Grant Award tab.

Once a CAS transaction has been generated for a Program Management record, the system will not allow another CAS transaction to be automatically created unless the referenced CAS transaction has been discarded (while still in a Phase of Draft.) After the initial CAS transaction has been discarded, you will need to submit one revision transaction to set the Perform Cost Accounting Updates field to No, and then submit a second Grant Award Revision transaction (with the field then changed to Yes) to generate a new CAS transaction (or you can update the table directly if you have security rights). Any changes made to the Program Management records after a CAS transaction has been created will not update the CAS transaction and will have to be made to the Cost Accounting tables directly.

Additionally, the system will not allow the Perform Cost Accounting Updates field to be set to No if the Generated Transaction ID field is populated and therefore the referenced transaction has not been discarded. Instead, an error is issued and the field will revert to Yes.

Finally, the system will not allow you to delete a Program Management record if a Cost Accounting Setup (CAS) transaction has already been generated. Provided a CAS transaction has not been created, then the Program Management record will be deleted along with any child records.

This tab does not contain any required fields.


This section allows Matching Details to be created, modified, or deleted. The matching details information can be created and modified but information in the section does not impact the Cost Accounting Setup (CAS) transaction. Any matching information associated with the reimbursement of a grant (that is, funding profile information) must be manually updated in the CAS transaction after it has been generated in order to impact the Cost Accounting subsystem.

The Program Management tab contains the following actions/links:

Tab-level actions/linksTab-level actions/links