Recipient Quarterly Award

The Recipient Quarterly Award tab of the ARRAD transaction captures quarterly data for ARRA reporting. This information could come from a number of sources outside of the Grant Lifecycle Management system. Some possible sources could be:

A record must exist on the Ongoing Award tab of the ARRAD transaction, before a record can be added to this tab. Only one line is allowed on the Quarterly Award tab.

The Days Allowed to verify quarterly reports (DAYS_TO_VERIFY_ARRA_DATA) parameter on the Application Parameters (APPCTRL) table controls the period in which quarterly ARRA reporting records may be modified. The initial value for this field as established by Federal Rules is 21. Per Federal Rules, quarterly entry may only be modified for 21 days after the end of the quarter ending date. After 21 days, no further changes to the records are allowed and updates should be made in the next quarter.

A record may already exist on this tab if the Load Existing Recipient Quarterly Award as New Quarter action was selected on the Ongoing Award tab. The Reporting Calendar End Date and Reporting Calendar Year are set to the Target Reporting Calendar Year and Target Reporting Quarter End Date entered on the Ongoing Award tab.

If no record already exists, insert a new line, enter the Reporting Calendar Year and Reporting Quarter End Date of any previous quarter and then select the Load Existing Recipient Quarterly Award action.   

A warning message is issued for new Quarterly Award records if a final report was already sent (that is, the Final Report Submitted field is Yes on the Ongoing Award record). In this situation, the Final Report field should be set to Yes for the Quarterly Award record.

This tab contains the following actions/links:

Tab-level actions/links