Recipient Vendor Quarterly Information
The Recipient Vendor Quarterly Information table captures money that is paid by the primary recipient on an award to vendors. Vendors that have received payments above $25,000 must be entered on this table. All other payments can be recorded in a cumulative expenditures field. This table is accessed by selecting the Recipient Vendor Quarterly Information tab on the ARRA Information table. Advantage security can be set up to secure the records on each table accessible from ARRA based on the Department and/or Unit specified in the Department and Unit fields under the Advantage Security tab on the Ongoing Award Information table.
When inserting a new record on the Recipient Vendor Quarterly Information table, the Funding Agency, Award Number, Awarding Agency, Reporting Calendar Year and Reporting Quarter End Date fields are automatically populated, based on the record that was selected on the Quarterly Award Information table before navigating to this table. You must also enter either the Vendor DUNS Number or a both the Vendor Name and Vendor HQ Zip Code to save a record on this table. The Vendor DUNS Number or Vendor Name/Vendor HQ Zip Code combination must be unique for the selected Funding Agency, Award Number, Awarding Agency, Reporting Calendar Year and Reporting Quarter End Date.
Select the Attachment link to associate an attachment with the selected record.