The Reporting tab on the Grant Award Status Folder allows you to view or create reporting schedules that remind the Project Manager of when information should be reported internally or back to the grantor. This functionality supports the management of grants by ensuring that the Grant User is reminded appropriately of upcoming due dates. The Grant User can load reporting dates using the Load Reporting Dates row-level action.
The Reporting tab on the Grant Award Status Folder (GTAWSF) contains the following sections:
Required/Conditionally Required FieldsRequired/Conditionally Required Fields
A record does not have to be added to this section to successfully save a Grant Award record. However, the following fields are required, if a record is added to this tab:
Grant Date Code
Alert User Group ID
Report Type
Frequency (must be populated for reporting dates to load)
Reporting Start or Reporting End dates (must be populated for reporting dates to load)
You may change the values in the Grant Date Code, Frequency, Reporting Start, or Reporting End fields. If these values are changed on the Reporting tab and then the Load Reporting Dates row-level action is clicked, then the system will delete all existing system-generated date records and associated Grant Users for each Alert User Group for those records which do not have the Completion Date populated. The system will then reload new reporting Dates, Alert User Groups and Grant Users based on the new values specified in aforementioned fields. (Although Due Date is not part of the key in other status dates, it is for Reporting Schedules, along with Grant Date Code and Section.) However, the system will not delete records that were manually inserted on the transaction; you will need to manually delete such records, if required.
This tab contains the following actions/links:
Row-level actions/linksRow-level actions/links
Load Reporting Dates - This action loads reporting dates to the Reporting Dates tab, if Grant Date Code, Report Type, Frequency, Reporting Start, and Reporting End fields are populated.