Status Dates

All statuses from Grant Application and beyond have configurable dates that can be associated to a particular status record. The purpose of these dates is to track key events associated with the status record. For example, a Grant Manager entering in a new application record could desire that the system track the Application Due Date, Internal Application Approval Date and/or Application Submission Date. These date records are multi-functional in the sense that they:

These dates are established on the Grant Date Definition (GRNTDEF) page and can be setup to default onto the status record based upon the user’s department as established in security. The Grant Statuses and associated Information Needs records which store Status Dates are:

A batch process, called Generate Alerts, identifies the status dates established within the Grant Lifecycle Management subsystem which will trigger alerts to Grant Users of an impending or expired due date. The goal of this process is to help grant managers reduce the risk of losing funding as a result of missed grant requirements by sending email and calendar reminders to the Grant Users (that is, grant managers, applicants, and board members). This is discussed further in the Generate Alerts run sheet in the CGI Advantage Grant Lifecycle Management Run Sheets.