Status Folders versus Transactions
The Grant Lifecycle Management subsystem allows for centralized and decentralized management of tracking grants via folders and transactions.
Status Folders – Status Folders (for example, Grant Application Status Folder) represent the centralized management approach by allowing for data to be entered directly into tables. This is beneficial for departments that have centralized grant management functions where a very limited number of users have rights to update the "Status Folder" pages. Regardless of whether these functions are centralized or decentralized, all grant users should be permitted to view the Status Folders because this is the central repository for the most recent data.
Transactions – Grant transactions (for example, Grant Application transaction) represent the decentralized management approach to update the Grant Lifecycle Management subsystem. The transactions act as a data-entry facilitation tool which allows departments with decentralized grant management functions to maintain a level of internal control. This is accomplished on transactions by tracking the user who created the transaction and via workflow (if desired) such that data is not added/modified to the applicable repository table (Status Folder) until the transaction has been reviewed and approved by an authorized user. Departments with centralized grant management functions can also make use of grant transactions.