Chain Jobs
The chain jobs for Intercept are listed alphabetically in the below table. For detailed information on the jobs (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters) refer to the associated run sheet in the CGI Advantage Intercept Run Sheets guide.
Job Name |
Description |
Discard Intercept Records |
This process discards unprocessed Intercept Transfer (IT) and General Accounting Intercept Payment (GAIP) when the related disbursement transaction has been cancelled. |
Federal AD Vendor Extract Chain |
This process identifies unique Taxpayer ID Numbers for payment requests scheduled for disbursement to non-miscellaneous vendors on Disbursement Request (DISRQ). If the Intercept Miscellaneous Vendor Payments indication on System Options is true, this process includes miscellaneous vendors when selecting payments. |
Federal AD Vendor Match Chain |
This process loads federal debts received from the U.S. Treasury Department's Financial Management Service (FMS) on the Non-Offset SADO Vendor Match File for taxpayers with scheduled Automated Disbursement (AD) payments into Federal Vendor Intercept Header (FEDHDR) and Federal Vendor Intercept Match (FEDMTCH). |
Federal CW Vendor Extract Chain |
This process identifies unique Taxpayer ID Numbers (TINs) on Check Writer Payment (CWPYMT) scheduled for disbursement as checks or EFTs to miscellaneous or non-miscellaneous vendors and are subject to intercept on Check Writer Header (CWHDR). |
Federal CW Vendor Match Chain |
This process loads federal debts received from the U.S. Treasury Department's Financial Management Service (FMS) on the Non-Offset SADO Vendor Match File for taxpayers with scheduled Check Writer (CW) payments into Federal Vendor Intercept Header (FEDHDR) and Federal Vendor Intercept Match (FEDMTCH). |
Federal Collection File Job |
This process loads the offset/reversal information received in the Collection file from the Bureau of Fiscal Service (BFS) to Federal Offset Request (FOTR), Intercept Request (INTR), Federal Offset Activity (FOTA), and Federal Offset Summary (FOTS) pages. |
Federal Debt Update File Generation |
This process loads the State debts to the Federal Offset Request (FOTR) page from the Intercept Request (INTR) page and generates the debt update file, which is sent to the Bureau of Fiscal Service (BFS) for further offset processing. |
Federal Vendor Offset Update Chain |
This process identifies intercepted federal debts on Intercept Activity (INTA) and populates associated transactions into Federal Vendor Intercept Activity (FEDACTV) as well as updates respective records on Federal Vendor Intercept Header (FEDHDR) and Federal Vendor Intercept Match (FEDMTCH). |
Federal Unprocessable File |
This process converts the Unprocessable file received in the ERL format to the XML format and updates Federal Offset Request (FOTR). |
Generate Federal Offset Payment |
This process generates the Federal Offset Transfer (ITO) and GA Federal Offset Payment (GAOP) transactions to transfer the funds and liquidate the Receivable (RE) transactions. |
Intercept Notice |
This process prints the Notice of Intent to Intercept Letter used to notify internal and external debtors of intercept requests. |
Intercept Selection |
This process provides users with another way to collect past due receivables if the customer is also a vendor. This process selects eligible receivables, which can be collected by intercepting payment to the vendor / customer, by identifying the receivables on Intercept Request (INTR). |
Intercept Refund Chain |
This process identifies Refund Requested protests on Request Intercept Refund (RFDRQST) and makes a payment to the debtor. |
Issue Payment for Intercepted External Debts |
This process creates General Accounting Intercept Payment (GAIP) transactions for external debt intercepted based on records added during the Automatic Disbursement Chain into Pending Intercept Payment (INTP). These updates occur based on the Issue Payment indication of true on the Intercept External Allocation (INTEA) record for the Entity and Debt Type. |
Load External Debts into INTR |
This process inserts external debt records into Intercept Request (INTR) so that debt may be intercepted on behalf of an external entity within Advantage. |
Load Externally Intercepted Debt |
This process inserts records into Externally Intercepted Debt (EXINCTDB) that have been intercepted by an external payment system. |
Record Externally Intercepted Debts |
This process generates Intercept Transfer (IT) transactions to record intercepts that occurred in an external payment system and have been uploaded to Externally Intercepted Debt (EXINCTDB). |