Disbursement Hold Reason
Disbursement Hold Reason (HLDR) page allows you to define and view reasons that can use when placing a Disbursement Request on hold on the Disbursement Management (DISBM) page, or during the Automated Disbursement or Hold Payments for Pending Debts processes.
The Intercept Hold flag can only be selected for one record on HLDR. The Hold Payments for Pending Debts process uses the Hold Reason for the HLDR record with the Intercept Hold flag selected when a Disbursement Request (DISRQ) line is placed on hold due to intercept that has a Status of In Review on the Intercept Request (INTR) page. The Pending Intercept Review HLDR record is delivered with the Intercept Hold flag selected. The Hold Payments for Pending Debts process will fail if a HLDR record is not found with the Intercept Hold flag selected.
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