Federal Vendor Intercept Header

The Federal Vendor Intercept Header (FEDHDR) page tracks the status of the State Agency Disbursing Office (SADO) payment interface files generated by Advantage Financial and received from the U.S. Treasury Department's Bureau of Fiscal Service (BFS) for both the Check Writer (CW) and Automated Disbursement (AD) payments.  

This table is updated by the following FMS SADO payment interface files:

  • SADO Vendor Extract File (File to FMS)

  • Non-Offset SADO Vendor Match File (File from FMS)

  • SADO Vendor Offset Update File (File to FMS)

  • SADO Vendor Collection Acknowledgement File (File to FMS)

New records are added to the FEDHDR table systematically by the Advantage Federal CW Vendor Extract Chain and the Federal AD Vendor Extract Chain. Existing records on the FEDHDR table are updated systematically by the Federal CW Vendor Match Chain, Federal AD Vendor Match Chain, the Federal Vendor Offset Update Chain, and the Federal Vendor Collection Acknowledgement File Load processes.