Frequently Asked Questions

This topic contains a list of frequently asked questions and answers for the Intercept area.

How do I enable Payment Intercept in the CGI Advantage application?How do I enable Payment Intercept in the CGI Advantage application?

Please refer to the "Internal Intercept" topic for more information.

What steps do I take to intercept Miscellaneous Vendor Payments?What steps do I take to intercept Miscellaneous Vendor Payments?

First, select the Intercept Misc. Vendor Payments flag on the System Options (SOPT) table. Next, enter the TIN and TIN Type on the Miscellaneous Vendor Payments. The system will automatically intercept the Misc. Vendor Payments when there are eligible debts available on the INTR table. Please refer to the "Internal Intercept” topic for more information.

How do I charge a fee on the Intercept?How do I charge a fee on the Intercept?

Please refer to the "Intercept Fee Calculation" section in the "Internal Intercept" topic for more information.