System Options

This topic only contains the options and controls that affect the Intercept area. Refer to the "System Options" topic in the CGI Advantage - Financial Administration User Guide for information on the other options and controls that appear on SOPT.

Expense Controls



Payment Intercept

This option controls whether or not intercepts will be applied to disbursements. When this flag is checked, an Intercept Payable and Intercept Cash Account are required on the Special Accounts (SPEC) table, which are used to add an intercept line on a disbursement transaction. The default value is not checked.

Payments to a vendor may be intercepted if the vendor has an outstanding receivable in the system and the due date exceeds the number of Intercept Days specified by this parameter.

Intercept Misc Vendor Payments

Indicates whether payments to miscellaneous vendors (that is, the Miscellaneous Account flag on Vendor/Customer (VCUST) is checked) should be intercepted. If the flag is checked, then the AD Chain and the Federal AD Vendor Extract chain will include miscellaneous vendors when evaluating payments for intercepts. The default value is not checked.

Revenue Controls



Past Due Days for Intercept

The number of days past the Receivable Due Date that must be reached before a receivable can be loaded for payment intercept. The value entered is inferred to the Past Due Days for Intercept field on BPRO.

Allow Override of Past Due Days for Intercept

When checked, billing profiles on the Billing Profile (BPRO) page may supply a different number of overdue days required before a receivable can be loaded for payment intercept than is indicated in the Past Due Days for Intercept field on SOPT.

Intercept Request Table Load Status

This field indicates the Status that is populated for records that are loaded to the Intercept Request (INTR) table by the Intercept Selection and Load External Debts into INTR jobs. Valid values are Active and Inactive. If records are loaded to the table with a Status of Inactive, you need to "approve” them by changing the Status to Active on INTR.  Active receivable records on the INTR table are automatically selected by the Automated Disbursement program to intercept payments.

Allow Override of Intercept Request Table Load Status

When checked, billing profiles on the Billing Profile (BPRO) page may supply a different load status for records added to the Intercept Request (INTR) table than is indicated in the Intercept Request Table Load Status field on SOPT.