Internal Billing Carrier Class
Internal Billing Carrier Class (IBCC) is used by the Internal Billing Feeder File Validation and Load process to determine how many detailed billing lines need to be created on the Internal Billing Detail page and populate the correct object, sub object, and amounts values. This function applies only to internal customers. There are a few optional pairs of object and sub object combinations that can record costs uniquely for budgeting or reporting purposes. When used, they replace the buyer (intended) values from the detail file, or they are the only ones used because object information was left blank in the file.
Most fields are optional on this page, but in many circumstances, they should be populated. As data is static for many records, it could be the responsibility of those initially setting up records. Configurable validations are a means to enforce data entry when applicable.
If any of the features on this page can be used for a type of bill that requires them that has nothing to do with postage, mail, or delivery; the feature works with that type of file if Carrier and Class Number are specified. The critical part is that the total amount due before any percentage additive, additional cost, or flat fee are applied, the initial amount charged to the customer must be put in the Postage field and not Charge Amount.
A Carrier and Class Report are generated with consolidated elements and amounts specific to each carrier and class combination.
Field InformationField Information
Field Name |
Description |
Carrier |
This code uniquely identifies a different carrier that is combined with a Class Number to provide additional details to the Internal Billing Feeder File Validation and Load process to create the correct number of detail records for a single detail file record. |
Carrier Name |
An optional name assigned to a Carrier for descriptive purposes. |
Class Number |
This code uniquely identifies each separate rate that a carrier charges. |
Class Description |
An optional description assigned to a Class Number for descriptive purposes. |
Cost Object |
An optional object used for the primary delivery costs that replaces the internal buyer (intended) one from the data file. |
Cost Sub Object |
An optional sub object used for the primary delivery costs that replaces the buyer (intended) one from the data file. This parameter must be used if the Cost Object is also used, and the detail file has an Internal Buyer Sub Object. |
Percentage |
An optional percentage to increase the about billed as Postage with a percentage-based additive amount on a detail record created from the Postage one where the Charge Amount is the original Charge Amont multiplied by this percentage. |
Percentage Object |
An optional object used for the percentage charge based on the Postage amount that replaces the internal buyer (intended) one from the data file. |
Percentage Sub Object |
An optional sub object used for the primary delivery costs that replaces the buyer (intended) one from the data file. This parameter must be used if the Percentage Object is also used, and the detail file has an Internal Buyer Sub Object. |
Additional Cost Object |
An optional object used when the detail file contains a non-zero Additional Cost that replaces the buyer (intended) object from the data file. |
Additional Cost Sub Object |
An optional object used when the detail file contains a non-zero Additional Cost that replaces the buyer (intended) sub object from the data file. This parameter must be used if the Additional Cost Object is also used, and the detail file has an Internal Buyer Sub Object. |
Flat Fee |
An optional set amount to increase the about billed as Postage with an additive amount on a detail record created from the Postage amount. |
Flat Fee Object |
An optional object used when a detail record is created for a flat fee that replaces the buyer (intended) object from the data file. |
Flat Fee Sub Object |
An optional sub object used for a detail record created for a flat fee that replaces the buyer (intended) sub object from the data file. This parameter must be used if the Flat Feet Object is also used, and the detail file has an Internal Buyer Sub Object. |