Department Fiscal Year

There are data points on Department Fiscal Year (DEPTFY) that can be used with internal costing where the seller COA does not come from Internal Vendor Accounting Data and one or more overhead rates are used. The regular Internal Costing process uses Internal Vendor Accounting Data and the Advanced Internal Costing process uses Costing Seller Line data.

Field InformationField Information

The table below contains those fields related to internal costing.

Field Name


Internal Service Fund

Program Inference Type

These two settings are optional indications for control purposes to indicate that a department is one used with one or more internal service funds and is used for Advanced Internal Costing where COA come from the Costing Seller Line (CSTSL). Typically, those departments that use an internal service fund have an inference type of Powerful instead of Weak, so that the Fund and any other COA in a Program Inference are powerfully inferred to Internal Costing transactions.

Default Seller ID

When using COA inferences from the Costing Seller Line (CSTSL) page, Seller IDs established on the Costing Seller Line can default from one of five locations, with Department Fiscal Year being the final location when a Seller ID does not infer from Equipment ID (EQID), Internal Cost Rate (INCR), Costing Seller Line Inference 1 (CSLI1), or Costing Seller Line Inference 2 (CSLI2).

When there is one and only one Seller ID for a department, this is the location that allows for a single setup of that ID. It also serves as the default when none of the other four are configured for a particular Internal Costing Journal record. Although optional, it is recommended that a value be entered for this final default to ensure processing of all journal records.