Appendix A: List of Delivered Inventory Forms

Inventory is delivered with many forms that can be generated via the Print action on specific transactions with a Phase of Final.  Some forms may also be automatically generated when a transaction is submitted to Final.  The delivered Inventory forms are listed in the following table.


Form Name

How Form is Generated

Over-the-Counter (OC)

Over the Counter Issue

The form can be printed via the Print action on Final versions of the OC transaction.

Stock Issue Confirmation (CI)

Confirmation Issue

The form can be printed via the Print action on Final versions of the CI transaction.

Stock Issue Confirmation for External Customer (CIE)

Confirmation Issue – External

The form can be printed via the Print action on Final versions of the CIE transaction.

Stock Return Confirmation (SN)

Returned To Stock

The form can be printed via the Print action on Final versions of the SN transaction.

Stock Return Confirmation for External Customer (SNE)

Returned To Stock - External

The form can be printed via the Print action on Final versions of the SNE transaction.

Stock Transfer Issue (TI)

Stock Transfer Issue

The form can be printed via the Print action on Final versions of the TI transaction.

Pick and Issue (PI)

Pick and Issue Ticket

The form is printed when the PI transaction is submitted to Final.