Batch Jobs

The jobs are listed alphabetically in the below table. For detailed information on the jobs (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters) refer to the associated run sheet in the Advantage Financial - Inventory Run Sheets Guide.

Job Name


Batch Catalog Section

Annual Closing

Rolls back the historical information stored on Inventory Inquiry (INVN) for each item. Actual quantities and forecasted quantities are both moved back one year, leaving an empty array of 12 months for the forthcoming year of actual and forecasted quantities.


Backorder Servicing

Attempts to fill backordered quantities of open stock requisitions. If stock replenishment has occurred since the stock requisition was originally processed, the on-hand quantities may now be sufficient to allow reservation of the backordered quantities.


Expiration Notification

This job sends notifications to the contact person (on WHSE) for the selected Warehouse if the selected stock item is set up for lot or shelf expiration on the Inventory Detail (INVND) page.


Forecast Demand Calculation

Based on historical issues and forecasted demand.


Inventory Receivable Generation Process

Generates Receivable/General Accounting Expenditure transactions for eligible Issue Confirmation and Stock Return transactions.  The chain job consists of the following two jobs.

Generate Receivable on the issuance of stock.

Generate Receivable or General Accounting Expenditure transaction on the return of stock.


Inventory Replenishment

Based on the ABC Classification settings, current inventory level, and historical usage, this process calculates the recommended reorder quantity and determines if that item can be ordered from a preexisting Master Agreement.


Lead Time Calculation

Based on a number of previously processed purchase requisitions, purchase orders, and receipt of goods. The requisition and vendor lead-time is calculated for each active stock item in inventory.


Physical Inventory Freeze

Based on selection criteria. Stock items are flagged and frozen for the physical inventory count. While frozen, these items cannot be issued from the warehouse. A list of frozen items is produced to use during the count.


Reorder Point Calculation

Calculates the safety stock and reorder level for each item in inventory. Reorder quantity is either the order-up-to quantity minus the on-hand quantity, or is calculated by the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model.


Sync Closed SRQ from TI

Stock Transfer Issue (TI) transactions are generated and submitted to Final for the Stock Request (SRQ) transactions and the Closed Date and Closed Amount is Null on the Header, Commodity and Accounting Line of the SRQ transaction.
