Create Stock Requisition Transaction

A requestor would enter the Stock Requisition (SRQ) transaction or Stock Requisition for External Customers (SRQE) transaction for requested stock items to be delivered at a later date. If all the requested stock items are available, the transaction is accepted. If the Available Quantity of a stock item is less than the Requested Quantity, when the Stock Requisition transaction is processed, the entire transaction is rejected if the Backorder Allowed flag is false for the given warehouse. If backorders are allowed, items with insufficient Quantity will be backordered. If the Ship Whole indicator is true, regardless of partial number of items that could be released, all items will be backordered unless the entire quantity can be released.  Once the transaction is submitted, the Stock Requisition transaction updates the Inventory Table.

SRQ/SRQE transactions can be modified provided the Pick and Issue transaction has not been processed against the SRQ/SRQE transaction.  On the SRQ/SRQE Modification transaction.

  • You cannot change the Warehouse and Stock Item

  • When creating the modification transaction, the Unit Price is equal to the last final transaction. If that price is different then what is now on Inventory, an override error is issued. If you blank out the Unit Price, it will be inferred from the Inventory table.

  • Requested quantity cannot be decreased below the Issued Quantity – Returned Quantity.

  • You can change the Issuer, Location, Delivery Date, or Ship Whole indicator on a modification transaction as long as the items have not been released/issued (that is, Released or Issued QTY = 0). Otherwise, these fields cannot be changed.  If you have issued and then returned all of the items, you can modify the transaction once again.

SRQ/SRQE transactions can be cancelled only when:

  • A Pick and Issue transaction has not been processed against the SRQ/SRQE transaction, that is Released Quantity is greater than “0” or

  • The SRQ/SRQE has not been referenced by the CI transaction, that is the Issued Quantity is greater than '0'

On the Cancellation version of the SRQ/SRQE transaction, the Cancellation version of the SRQ/SRQE transaction does not infer any of the values from the Inventory Table. The Cancellation transaction removes the Issue Queue entry on the ISSQ table.

  1. Create from the Transaction Catalog.

  2. Complete the Header tab.

  1. The Transaction Name and/or Transaction Description can be conditionally required with the Transaction Control (DCTRL) table.

  2. If the current Application Date should not be used, then manually enter the correct date in the Record Date field.

  3. If the default Fiscal Year should not be used, then manually enter the correct year, (that is, prior year or next year), in the Fiscal Year field.  Any manually entered year will be used on all accounting lines unless manually entered at that level.

  4. If the default Accounting Period should not be used, then manually enter the correct accounting period, (that is, prior period or next period), in the Period field.  Any manually entered period will be used on all accounting lines unless manually entered at that level.

  5. Enter the Warehouse.

  6. Enter the Requesting Unit.

  7. Enter the Issuer ID and/or Issuer Information.

  1. Complete the Commodity tab.

  1. Click the Commodity link from the secondary navigation panel.

  2. Click the Insert New Line link.

  3. Enter the Stock Number.

  4. Enter the Quantity.

  5. (Optional) Enter the Unit Price.

  1. Complete the Accounting tab.

  1. Click the Accounting link from the Secondary Navigation Panel.

  2. Click the Insert New Line link.

  3. (Optional) Enter an Event Type, using the Event Type pick list icon. If a default was selected on AETDC, then this value will infer during transaction validation when the Event Type is blank.

  4. Enter the Line Amount.

  5. If budget lines are required, as defined on BUDREQ (Budget Requirements), the Fund and Detail Accounting elements must be valid budget lines for those budget structures.

Alternatively, if an accounting template has been configured on ACTPL, enter the Accounting Template Code.


  • The Accounting tab's Total Line Amount must equal the total from the Commodity tab.

  • Fiscal Year and Period will default to the Application Date, unless otherwise entered.

  • Budget Fiscal Year will default to the Application Date or as configured on the BFYINF, APBYINF or APBYFINF2 unless otherwise entered.

  1. Click the Validate button to validate for errors.

  2. If errors exist, fix the errors and repeat Step 5. If no errors exist, then continue with Step 7.

  3. Click the Submit button to submit the transaction.