Create an IC Transaction

To create an IC transaction, perform these steps:

  1. Create from the Transaction Catalog.

  2. Complete the Header tab.

  1. The Transaction Name and/or Transaction Description can be conditionally required with the Transaction Control (DCTRL) table.

  2. If the current Application Date should not be used, then manually enter the correct date in the Record Date field.

  3. If the default Fiscal Year should not be used, then manually enter the correct year, (that is, prior year or next year), in the Fiscal Year field.  Any manually entered year will be used on all accounting lines unless manually entered at that level.

  4. If the default Accounting Period should not be used, then manually enter the correct accounting period, (that is, prior period or next period), in the Period field.  Any manually entered period will be used on all accounting lines unless manually entered at that level.

  5. Enter the Warehouse.

  1. Complete the Commodity tab.

  • Click the Commodity link from the secondary navigation panel or Commodity bar.

  • Select the Stock Item.

  • Select the Stock Suffix.

  • Enter the Change in Quantity or the Change in Unit Cost.

  • Enter the Adjustment Code.

  1. Complete the Accounting tab.

  2. Click the Validate button to validate for errors.

  3. If errors exist, fix the errors and repeat Step 4.  If no errors exist, then continue with Step 6.

  4. Click the Submit button to submit the transaction.

Inventory Correction (IC) transactions may not be modified. Another Inventory Correction transaction must be created to reverse the effects of the original transaction.