Inventory Adjustment Table
The Inventory Adjustment (ADJC) table is used to define valid reasons why a stock item required an adjustment to inventory. In addition, the Inventory Adjustment table also allows the user the ability to define what Object to charge when posting the adjustment. When making an adjustment to the inventory, the system requires a valid reason to be stated. The Inventory Adjustment table is used to add, modify, and delete valid reasons for adjustments to inventory.
An inventory user enters a unique record into this table so that it can be used on the Inventory Adjustment (IA) transaction. An Adjustment Code cannot be deleted from this table, if it is being used on the IA transaction. The Physical Inventory Freeze process also uses the Adjustment Code (ADJC) table. The following diagram illustrates how the Adjustment Code table is used to validate adjustments to inventory.
Inventory User enters the Adjustment Code on the Inventory Adjustment table.
The Inventory Freeze batch process validates against the Inventory Adjustment table.
The Inventory Adjustment transaction validates against the Inventory Adjustment table.
The Inventory Freeze batch processes selects the Adjustment Code from the Inventory Freeze batch process and uses it when generating Inventory Adjustment transactions.