Inventory Maintenance

The Inventory Maintenance (INVN) table is used to add and maintain stock items in inventory.  In addition to Stock Item and Warehouse Number, it is used to specify other essential stock item information such as Description, Suggested Vendor, Units of Issue, Purchase/Costing Methods, Pricing Methods, Surcharges and/or Unit Price, Shelf Life, and the Stock Group. The Track Quantity By Location flag indicates whether the stock item tracks inventory quantity at the location level (checked) or at the stock item level (not checked). The default value for this flag is inferred for new stock items based on the setting of the Track Quantity By Location flag on the Warehouse (WHSE) page. The Inventory Lot Expiration Tracking flag, when checked, will create, update, and delete records on the Inventory Lot Tracking Expiration table upon the Receiver's submission to Final when the Lot Number and Expiration Date fields are populated. Part information (such as UPC, UNSPSC, Barcode, various part numbers, usage, references, and special handling instructions) can be recorded on the INVN table. This set of pages also facilitates the specification of other inventory management parameters like Parent Items, Active/Inactive Items, Maximum/Minimum Issue Quantities, Quantity Per Issue, ABC Class, and also allows for overriding the seller Object code, Revenue Source code, Departmental Object code, Departmental Revenue Source code, and BS account that are inferred from the warehouse table. It also provides an option to apply fixed price markups to the Unit Price at the warehouse/stock item level by selecting values in the Markup 1 through Markup 5 fields. The allowable fixed price markups are defined on the Inventory Markups (INVMKUP) table to allow for standardization of such charges across the site. Only the active records from the Inventory by Location (ILOC) table are displayed on the Location tab of this table.

Required/Conditionally Required FieldsRequired/Conditionally Required Fields

  • If the Detail Information Required flag is checked on INVN, then detailed information about the stock item is displayed on the Inventory Detail (INVND) page and can be entered on transactions that have the Commodity Detail tab. The Inventory Maintenance Detail link is active if the Detail Information Required flag is checked. This link transitions you to the INVND page filtered by the selected Warehouse and Stock Item combination.

  • If the Detail Information flag is selected for the stock item, then detail level information is required for the given stock item.  Detail information is required on the Inventory transactions and is captured on the Commodity Detail tab of Inventory related transactions and recorded on the Inventory Detail (INVND) table.

  • If the Internally Manufactured flag is selected for the stock item, then the Extended Cost equals the Old extended cost + (IIA quantity * IIA Unit cost).  If the Internally Manufactured flag is not selected for the stock item, then the Extended Unit Cost is replaced for all items based on the value entered in the IA Quantity or IA Unit Cost field.

  • If the Internally Manufactured flag is selected for the stock item, the Reorder Quantity should be set at a level such that the Inventory Replenishment process will not be triggered for these items.

  • Additionally on the Inventory Maintenance page and Search window, the Commodity pick field list that contains the Commodity Code information also includes the Extended Description field on the grid section, which displays a maximum of the first 255 characters of the Extended Description for the Commodity.

Special Notes on the Auto Generate Part Number flagsSpecial Notes on the Auto Generate Part Number flags

  • The INVN page allows you to capture several different part numbers for the selected stock item via one of the following fields:

  • Part Number

  • Alternate Part Number

  • Statewide Part Number

  • Department Part Number

  • Internal Part Number

  • Manufacturer Part Number

  • Distributor Part Number

  • The first 5 part number fields listed above have a corresponding Auto Generate flag, that when selected, Advantage will automatically generate the part number based on setup on the Auto Part Numbering (AUTOPANO) table.  

  • If the part number field is blank and the corresponding auto generate flag is selected, then, on Save, the system looks for a record on the AUTOPANO page that matches the Department, Part Number Type and corresponding prefix (if specified on INVN; otherwise ***** is used). If a matching AUTOPANO record is found, the system sets the respective part number field using the Next Available Part Number from the AUTOPANO record.  If a matching record is not found, then an error is issued.

  • In generating the part number from the Next Available Part Number field, the system determines the length of the part number based on the Max Part Number Length field on the matching AUTOPANO record. If a Prefix was used to find the AUTOPANO record, the length of the Prefix is included in determining the generated part number. For example, if a Prefix with a length of 5 characters was used to find the matching AUTOPANO record and the Max Part Number Length is 12, the actual number portion of the generated part number cannot exceed 7 characters. If no prefix was used, then the actual number portion can be the entire 12 characters.

  • Once the length has been determined, the system will truncate the value returned from the Next Available Part Number field from the left to be within the Max Part Number Length, less the Prefix if one was used to find the matching AUTOPANO record. If the Pad Left with Zeros field on AUTOPANO record is selected, then the system will pad the part number with zeros on the left side. Using the previous example, if the Next Available Part Number is 721, the Max Part Number Length is 12, a Prefix of 5 characters (ABCDE) was used, and the Pad Left with Zeros flag is selected, then the system generated part number is ABCDE0000721. If a Prefix was not used, the part number generated would be 000000000721. If no Prefix was used and the Pad Left with Zeros flag is not selected, then the system generated part number is 721.

  • After successfully generating the part number on INVN, the system increments the Next Available Part Number by 1 on the matching AUTOPANO record.

Special Notes on the Master Agreement DetailsSpecial Notes on the Master Agreement Details

  • The Master Agreement Details section on the Inventory Maintenance page is used to default the Master Agreement information when running the replenishment process. This section is not visible by default but can be made visible by using Configure Page (DESIGNER).