Inventory Markups
The Inventory Markups (INVMKUP) table allows you to define fixed price markups that can be applied at the stock item level. You can define the markups that are applicable across all warehouses or only for a specific warehouse. If a markup has been defined for a specific warehouse, the markup may be applied to any stock item within that warehouse. If a markup has been defined for all warehouses, the markup can be applied to any stock item in any warehouse. Also, the markup cannot be deleted, if the:
Warehouse is not equal to ALL and the markup has been referenced by a stock item on the Inventory Maintenance (INVN) table for the same warehouse; OR
Warehouse is equal to ALL and the markup has been referenced by a stock item on the INVN table for any warehouse.
You can recalculate the Unit Price for a particular warehouse or all warehouses where the markup has been defined, if there is any change in the markup amount. You can recalculate the Unit Price by selecting the Recalculate Stock Item Unit Prices link.